Well, I am just now starting to archive my work, and after years of Jack Thornton hounding me to start a blog, here goes nothing. Here is a sample piece of mine that I did awhile back during a painting seminar by Jie Xiangyuan. It was a humbling experience for me. I was one of the youngest there, but man, my body just ached after a few days of standing eight or so hours outside. I consider this the only painting worth showing from the experience. I placed way too much stress on myself during that weekend to try to paint something decent and choked a lot. I am not as fast a painter as I would like to be, and this weekend seminar highlighted that for me. I certainly hope to learn to paint quicker, and I am sure that it will come with more and more experience. Whenever I do a painting of a boat, I think that I subconsciously do it for my father because he loves the water, boats, and fishing. He saw this painting and wanted it for himself for his birthday. Happy Birthday, Dad! I love you.